Autumnal Equinox
As of March 21st or the Autumnal equinox here in the Southern hemisphere summer is officially a thing of the past fortunately for you, you live in the Southern Hemisphere and you’re even luckier to live in a country that has the best weather all year round – well except for Cape Town…winters in Cape Town can be brutal. But if you are anywhere else in South Africa chances are your weather will still be beautiful with clear skies and sunshine, albeit weaker sunshine than our glorious summer months you will still be able to enjoy the sunshine most of the time anyway. But don’t get too down, there are definite positives to autumn and winter; hot chocolate, rolling in piles of leaves and dog poop. Ruddy cheeks and cold noses, warm woolly hats with matching scarves and mittens.
It’s not all Sunshine and roses – Ok we lie with Net Florist it’s always roses
But for the colder days and the chilly nights that are to be expected from the winter season you’ll need to find a way of warming the cockles of your heart which is where NetFlorist and NetGifts comes in. There is a positive plethora of gorgeous gifts and flowers that you can buy yourself and others in order to spread some winter cheer. If you are living in Johannesburg or the Highveld you will know that the landscape can get a tad dour with all the brown dust and the empty trees then you will know that the landscape could do with a bit of cheer and what better way of adding cheer than placing a beautiful arrangement of flowers taking pride of place in the centre of the room or on the dining room table. Just close your eyes and imagine a large arrangement of flowers in bright reds, deep rich oranges and bright yellows – these flowers will certain put the sunshine back in your dreary winter days.
There are so many beautiful autumnal and winter flowers that you can decorate your home with, gladiolus are beautiful on their own or in an arrangement, standing tall and proud like a spear, their deep rich reds and blues will warm up any winters day.
Is autumn a time for celebrations or Commiserations?
How did you celebrate the official start of the colder months, did you get one last dance naked under the light of the moon in before it gets a tad too cold? Or did you spend the last days of summer soaking up the sun like a lizard, storing all that vitamin D in your soul for when the days are dark, the morning cold and the sun shines weakly in the sky.
However you chose to bid farewell to summer and all its hot, sticky, sweet, lazy glory we hope that you won’t be too unkind to the winter months, winter also has her good points and look at it this way at least we’re not in the northern hemisphere where it’s like Narnia – always winter never spring, our winters are mild in comparison. Positively tropical, so we don’t need to pile on the pounds of winter jerseys or stuff our face with breads and soups and stews and end the season off looking like the Michelin man.