What Your Favourite Gift Says About You!

Gifts, oh glorious gifts. No matter how old we are, there is something extra special about getting a beautifully wrapped (or not… crafty kids anyone?) present that is just for you. We all have a favourite gift! Luckily, the calendar year is full of occasions that require gift-giving. From birthdays to anniversaries, holidays, romantic milestones, […]

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The Best Black Friday Deals 2021 – Get Festive Ready

Black Friday 2021 is here and with the best Black Friday deals it means that that it will be the biggest savings of the year! Black Friday originated in the United States and is celebrated the day after Thanksgiving, so with bellies full the people race to get their trollies full. If it is an […]

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Goodbye Harold, Hello Benny!

The NetFlorist bunch have finally said goodbye to Harold Flowers. The quirky and sometimes-out-of-line gifting genius will always be in our hearts, just as he was always in the spotlight! Wondering who could ever fill the shoes of one who walked the edge of overwhelming love and overwhelming shock? Need to fill the hole that […]

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