We Wish you Floral Festive Fun from NetFlorist

Festive Flowers
Christmas Wishes from NetFloirst

Every South African knows that as soon as October 1st rolls around our ears will be accosted by tinny versions of “The Little Drummer Boy” and “Silent Night” while our eyes get to feast on countless sparkle and shine hanging from the ceilings of shopping centres that we torture ourselves by as we traipse through their air-Christmas decorations that conditioned hall-ways.

Slowly Christmas encroaches on our daily lives, we find ourselves dreaming about sugar plum fairies and figgy pudding. The Christmas

Buy Christmas Presents from NetGifts
Merry Christmas Wishes

Carols become less tinny and the spirit of Christmas becomes more

By November wreaths adorn front doors all over the country and poinsettias are all you can find in florists as they spread some festive cheer. Floral gifts come in a variety of colours as long as those colours are red, gold and green (You’re welcome we know how much you love Boy George)

If you have been living in a pineapple under the sea like Sponge Bob Squarepants and have missed out on all the Christmas specials and need to give your home, office or your cave a festive touch you can always rely on NetFlorist, whether you are a type “A” personality and have ordered your festive flowers months in advance or you have left your festive flowers and gift buying until the last possible moment then you can rely on us too.

Christmas flowers NetFlorist
Buy Christmas poinsettia’s Online

Our beautiful Christmas flowers make the perfect gift for you or for others and everyone knows that the gifts you buy for you are always winners because you always know exactly what you like and what you’ll need.

Our Christmas wreaths include everything that makes Christmas special, wonderful bright colours, juicy red berries (although please refrain from eating them) and cinnamon sticks, now the spirit of Christmas can greet your guests before you do.

Festive Cacti
Say Merry Christmas with our Happy Cacti

If you are the type of family or person that doesn’t feel the need to buy a wreath because you have the wreath that sweet little Tiny Tim made for them in the 1st grade don’t despair you can still embellish your home with festive cheer by buying a beautiful bunch of red roses with a merry Christmas bauble or two alternatively you can send through a beautiful  pair of Poinsettia’s in a basket.

Christmas themed wreath
Cinnamon sticks make Christmas Christmas

There is very little else that will help brighten the home at Christmas time that a floral arrangement, whether you have chosen the traditional green and red theme or you’ve gone a little crazy and added colours that’s up to you. All we know is that we are SO excited for Christmas and that we can’t wait to hang ours up on our door and wish everyone a very merry Christmas.



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Meet The Ramblers

Benny Bloom

An avid reader and a compulsive gifter. Benny Bloom is a hopeless daydreamer, and a hopeful night thinker. Looking for the perfect gift? The perfect flower tip? Sit tight, stay tuned and open your mind to a world of flower and gifting possibilities from the gifting Ninja!

Lillian Bonsai

Want a soft yet stern voice that will capture the meaning of the perfect gift? Let Lillian help you find the right gift for the right person. Lillian is bubbly, friendly, and too cute to boot 😉