What to do with your rose petals after the flowers have wilted?

Not sure what to do with your rose petals after the flowers have wilted? We have some ideas for you that will ensure that you make use of your blossomed buds in the best way possible. Below are some great ideas of what can be done with both fresh and dried rose petals.

Rose Petal body scrub

Place 1.5  cups of brown sugar,  1/4 cup of Johnson’s baby oil, and 12-15 rose petals in a blender. The petals you use can be fresh, slightly wilted or completely dried out. Mix the three ingredients together and place them in a mason jar. The fragrant rose body scrub does not expire, therefore, making it makes the perfect DIY gift.

Rose infused water and candle feature

Looking to do something different with those rose petals? Try taking a long vase and fill it  3/4 the way with water. Drop 7-10 petals (depending on the size of the vase) into the vase and place a floating candle on the surface of the water. Perfect for date night, dinner parties and tea time table décor.

Home-made rose potpourri

Take bloomed roses and separate the petals from the stem. Take the petals and place them in a single layer on a piece of roller towel, on a microwavable plate. Place this layer of petals in the microwave for one minute, on high. Depending on your microwave, you may need to put the petals in for another minute. If there is still moisture in the petals you can repeat this step for 10 seconds at a time, until the petals are dry. The next step is to leave the petals on a baking tray for 24-36 hours until completely dry. This step is important as you need to get rid of all moisture so that the flowers don’t grow spots of mould. Voila! You have a natural home-made potpourri.

Rose petal ice cubes

Rose petals mixed with gin makes the perfect floral infused cocktail. Simply place a washed petal (per ice cube) in an ice tray. Fill the ice tray with water and proceed to freeze. When you’re ready to serve, just pop the ice block in your gin cocktail, add some tonic water and mint, and you have the perfect slow-release rose-hinted cocktail.

Rose and lavender infused facial steam

On a Sunday afternoon, when we are all preparing for the week ahead, treat yourself to a relaxing cleansing facial. Place 8-10 rose petals in your bathroom sink and fill it with boiling water. Add a stick of fresh lavender to the mixture. Allow some steam to escape and then pull a towel over your head so that the bathroom sink and your face are covered, allowing you to inhale the aromas. This beauty ritual opens up your pores.

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Benny Bloom

An avid reader and a compulsive gifter. Benny Bloom is a hopeless daydreamer, and a hopeful night thinker. Looking for the perfect gift? The perfect flower tip? Sit tight, stay tuned and open your mind to a world of flower and gifting possibilities from the gifting Ninja!

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Want a soft yet stern voice that will capture the meaning of the perfect gift? Let Lillian help you find the right gift for the right person. Lillian is bubbly, friendly, and too cute to boot 😉