Celebrate International Purple Day

Get your ‘purple’ on this International Purple Day. NetFlorist showcases some stunning purple gifting ideas throughout the course of the year, but Purple Day is about more than that.  Celebrate World Epilepsy Day today by becoming more informed about the disease. Create awareness by sharing the below image on your social media platforms:

Purple Day

Here are some (fairly unrelated) fun additional facts you might not already have known about the passionate hue:

  • The ancient city of Phoenicia (Greek island) means, ‘Land of the Purple’. This is believed to be where the colour purple was first produced.
  • The once Emperors of Rome, Augustus and Julius Caesar declared only the Emperor would be allowed to wear the colour purple.
  • The Purple Heart is awarded to soldiers that have been wounded or killed in action. This honour was established by George Washington in 1782.
  • February is the lucky month to claim the purple birthstone. This stone is called the Amethyst.
  • Purple originated from the tropical sea snail called the Murex. The mucus of the Murex was used to make purple.
  • Lavender, lilac, mauve, indigo, eggplant, plum, violet, orchid, pomegranate and puce are all shades of purple.
  • Purple is the hardest colour for your eye to distinguish.
Purple Day
Purple Passion Bouquet – R449.95


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Benny Bloom

An avid reader and a compulsive gifter. Benny Bloom is a hopeless daydreamer, and a hopeful night thinker. Looking for the perfect gift? The perfect flower tip? Sit tight, stay tuned and open your mind to a world of flower and gifting possibilities from the gifting Ninja!

Lillian Bonsai

Want a soft yet stern voice that will capture the meaning of the perfect gift? Let Lillian help you find the right gift for the right person. Lillian is bubbly, friendly, and too cute to boot 😉