Ever thought about the health benefits of flowers? flowers are often only seen for the aesthetic value and never really for the health benefits they can add to your life. These beautiful blooms not only look pretty in any space in your house, but it adds a good dose of health benefits too.

Here’s just a few reasons why you should keep flowers and plants in your house:
- Flowers make you love more. With fresh-cut flowers in your house, you will feel more compassionate and kind towards others.
- Flowers make you happier. Flowers help take away anxiety, stress and the blues and make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
- Flowers can boost your energy. Having flowers around the house will make you feel more energetic and will help you feel more excited about work as well.
- Green plants can help increase indoor air quality by fighting air pollution.
- Indoor plants help fight colds. Yeay for less snotty noses and more health!
- Plants can make you smarter. Yup, indoor plants can help increase cognitive functioning of the brain and can help you concentrate better.
Can we all just take a moment to appreciate flowers and plants?

Not only do NetFlorist deliver flowers and smiles, but we also aid in spreading healthy vibes all over the place. Nancy Etcoff says: As a psychologist, I’m particularly intrigued to find that people who live with flowers report fewer episodes of anxiety and depressed feelings. Our results suggest that flowers have a positive impact on our well-being.
Yes, even the scientist and the experts agree with us. Flowers are good for your health. So why not spread healthy vibes by sending flowers to everyone you know? And send some to yourself as well.