Fabulous Christmas Gift Ideas for Kids with NetGifts


Buy Christmas gifts online
Find the perfect gifts this Christmas from NetGifts.

Whether you are an actual child or simply a child at heart, NetGifts has the best children’s gifts on offer, we are so incredibly excited – almost like a kid on Christmas morning – to be able to offer you and your children (young and old) beautiful  Janod brand toys. These beautiful wooden toys in bright colours come all the way from France – so you know they must be good.


Childrens Christmas gifts
Buy a beautiful wooden cart this Christmas

If you hint that you might buy your kiddies one of our beautiful Janod toys you can be certain they will make sure they stay on the nice list this year. These  bright and beautiful toys for boys and girls can be brought from the comfort of your own home.

If your kids are on the naughty list and you know that they deserve a lump of coal and a smelly mackerel for Christmas but you don’t have the heart to punish them you could always give them a  Christmas Stocking and a soft plush Chrimbo teddy bear – or a soft little puppy – don’t worry its not real; nott only are these gifts great for people who were on the top of your shovel list but have been upgraded to your naughty list – for those not in the know shovel list is bad while naughty list is better, not great but an improvement or if you need some back up presents because you might be expecting some surprise guests but you aren’t entirely sure these stockings make great.. Stocking fillers…ahem; they can come with sweets, candy or the aforementioned cuddly bears.


Send Christmas gifts from NetGifts
Buy a beautiful Christmas stocking with a fluffy toy

With  NetGifts, Christmas shopping is all sorted; you don’t need to slog through crowds of last minute shoppers that are suddenly in a panic about gifts and Christmas prep. You can shop anywhere, bathtub, bathroom, boardroom and if you are on a fancy flight with WiFi you can shop all the way up at 30 000 feet.


Buy festive presents from NetGifts
Buy a beautiful festive stocking with delicious sweets

And the best bit is we deliver your gifts to your door, so you don’t need to worry about leaving your turducken in the oven while you nip out to collect it from the dispatch area.


With  NetGifts and NetFlorist you are guaranteed to win more brownie points than Santa this festive season, and who can blame you with us on your side you’re be the non-grinch that saved  Christmas.



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Benny Bloom

An avid reader and a compulsive gifter. Benny Bloom is a hopeless daydreamer, and a hopeful night thinker. Looking for the perfect gift? The perfect flower tip? Sit tight, stay tuned and open your mind to a world of flower and gifting possibilities from the gifting Ninja!

Lillian Bonsai

Want a soft yet stern voice that will capture the meaning of the perfect gift? Let Lillian help you find the right gift for the right person. Lillian is bubbly, friendly, and too cute to boot 😉