Can you believe that January is almost over? We’re not sure if it’s because we’re getting older or if time is like a spinning top and it’s just getting faster and faster; seriously though we remember when we were kids just how slowly time seemed to crawl by from one big occasion (Christmas) to our birthday’s and don’t even get us started on how slowly time seemed to go when it was term time and all we wanted was to go on holiday and lose ourselves in our imagination or numbing our brains on countless pointless television shows. But now, now you blink and you’ve missed the entire year. Valentine’s day is right round the corner and in one minute you will be picking out your Christmas gifts just you watch.
But let’s not make life spin by even faster, lets simply focus on one special occasion at a time, like valentine’s day, we hope you’ve gotten your valentine’s duck in a row because if growing up has taught us anything its that you blink and you’ll miss it. So instead of panicking on February the 13th or spiralling out of control when you get a cutesy love note from your S.O. saying how much she’s/ he’s looking forward to the evening and their romantic surprise but to your shock and horror you haven’t got anything planned and you haven’t brought them a present. To avoid your blood running cold simply turn to NetFlorist – we’re sort of knights in floral armour that will save your bacon where the romance is concerned.
Being experts in gifts and gifts of a romantic nature we can guide you through the perfect gifting ideas for the romantical of romantic occasions – yes valentine’s is even more romantic than your wedding day – in fact it’s more important than your wedding day and the birth of your first child combined so you had better not slip up.
When finding the perfect valentine’s gift simply turn to a fragrance, they are the epitome of romance and make the perfect gifts for men and women. Think about it, why do people wear perfume? Its not to disguise their B.O. scientists developed deodorant for that, nope we wear perfume to get lucky, we try to lure people into our web of lust and love with a gorgeous musky scent with a hint of violets and a touch of amber.
Buying perfume as a valentine’s gift is a master choice of pure genius, because it’s romantic enough to get them to forgive you from last year’s faux pas of a disastrous gift and expensive enough for them to feel worthy in today’s consumer driven society.