Woo her this Valentine’s Day with
flowers and gifts from NetFlorist
Johannesburg, Valentine’s Day, 2015 – We know you’ve secretly binge watched soppy romantic movies. You’ve gone through the highs and the lows of No Strings Attached and you fell asleep during The Notebook. You jotted down ideas, made brain charts and even took a class with Ted Mosby on “How to Impress Your Girl this Valentine’s Day”.
Even after all the hard work, you came up dry. You’re under pressure because the personalised apron you got her last year just didn’t lead to the night of love and fireworks you had expected. In fact, she was about 5 minutes away from going all Kourtney Kardashian and throwing your stuff from the top floor balcony. Thanks for nothing Naked Chef! Yes, the gift was practical, and could have been sexy, but when it comes to romantic gifts this Valentine’s Day, practicality gets kicked to the curb. Instead of practical, think sweet, sexy and romantic. Think hearts and cupid. And think flowers, chocolate and NetFlorist.
You probably recognised a common pattern in the romantic movie garbage you watched – in the end, every guy gets his dream lady by spoiling her with flowers and chocolates. NetFlorist’s floral and gifting gurus consulted with cupid to make Valentine’s Day for her romantic and special this year. Besides red roses, red roses and more red roses, their romantic edible arrangements (from R199) will melt her heart and knock her uh… socks off. Imagine a delectable edible arrangement designed to look like beautiful blooms using the most delectable Ferrero Rocher chocolate balls. There are two things women love about chocolate – the inside and the outside.
Let’s face it, having red roses, chocolates, teddies, jewellery, perfume or wine delivered to your lady will immediately make you 10 times more attractive and set you up for an evening filled with love and romance. For a Valentine’s Day gift that brings with it all the oooooohs and aaaaahs, visit netflorist.co.za. Cupid swears by them. Where else do you think he gets his wonderful Valentine’s Day ideas and gifts?
Editorial contact: Imka Webb
Tel. no.: 0861 300 600
Email: care@netflorist.co.za