That American first lady, Eleanor Roosevelt once said “a woman is like a teabag- you can never tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.” Women’s Day 2015 in South Africa is a day that celebrates those folks who were privileged enough to be born with two X chromosomes, those women […]
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Benny Bloom
An avid reader and a compulsive gifter. Benny Bloom is a hopeless daydreamer, and a hopeful night thinker. Looking for the perfect gift? The perfect flower tip? Sit tight, stay tuned and open your mind to a world of flower and gifting possibilities from the gifting Ninja!
Lillian Bonsai
Want a soft yet stern voice that will capture the meaning of the perfect gift? Let Lillian help you find the right gift for the right person. Lillian is bubbly, friendly, and too cute to boot 😉